Have you ever found yourself examining a garment care label intently as you try to make sense of the complicated symbols and directions?
The labels for clothing care and other fabrics include symbols as well. From the perspective of a manufacturer, damage to clothing caused by improper washing techniques can result in complaints, expensive client returns, and a negative reputation. The best detergent to use, the appropriate water temperature, whether to line dry or use the dryer, and other information are provided on care labels that manufacturers sew onto clothing. In order to make sure that your clothes last and looks its best, it is essential to understand these labels. You can take up professional and affordable charges for laundry service to take up proper care.
Lesser Known Care Label Facts
- The country of origin shown on the care label is the nation in which the item was sewn.
- The care label must be firmly affixed so that the consumer may quickly access it at the time of purchase. Typically, it is positioned on the bottom or side.
- The accuracy of care instructions rests with the manufacturer or importer who oversees production.
- An item may be brought into the country without a care label, but it must have one before it can be sold.
Symbol meaning
The Standard Guide for Care Symbols for Care Instructions for Textile Products was developed by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). They resemble those that are prevalent throughout Europe. Both employ five symbols, which appear from left to right in the same order:
- Shape of the tub: machine washing. The maximum water temperature is indicated by the number within the tub.
- Circle: special care/warnings
- Triangle: bleaching
- Square: drying
- Iron: iron settings
A crossed-out triangle denotes “do not bleach,” whereas a regular triangle indicates bleaching is permitted on that outfit because the triangle represents bleaching. Any heat level is acceptable when the tumble dry sign is used, however no heat at all is indicated by a solid circle.
Some tags indicate that it needs to be washed by using a little hand. If a tub is crossed out, it should not be washed. It can instead require dry cleaning or spot cleaning.
Dry cleaning is recommended when a circle is present on the item. The type of solvent to use can be indicated by any letter inside the circle. A circle that has been crossed out indicates that the item should not be dry cleaned.
Special Guidelines:
Keep an eye out for any additional markings or wording that specifies how to take care of something specifically, such as “Delicate Cycle,” “Dry Flat,” or “Wash with Like Colors.”
Codes for Fabric Performance
To draw attention to particular features or attributes of the fabric, the Premiere Vision Performance Codes were developed. These are features that give value to the fabric that the buyer might or might not notice.
a fabric made primarily of natural fibers that have earned organic certification (cotton, wool, silk, linen).
Eco-friendly materials
Dye and treatment products that adhere to the strongest international standards (for laundering, the absence of heavy metals, water conservation, and pollution reduction).
Can be washed
A fabric created to withstand washing and wash-out processes.